Zettels are quite effective


i previously wrote that zettels are pretty ineffective, which i now disagree with! in working directly with my atomic (zettelkasten) notes during my writing process so far, i find myself organizing, studying, and following them farther. it helps a lot to keep backlinks on in obsidian in the document, that way i can see directly what notes are linked to what i’m reading.

as of now, i have around 300 notes in my garden, many of which need to be worked with further as they’re carry-overs from my old system. i’ll continue to see how this improves over time.

i’ve also added a new section to my vault for flashcard information. these are just key facts, theorems, etc. that i need to memorize, and Obsidian feels easier to work with than Anki directly for making flashcards. I also went ahead and purchased Anki on my phone, so that I can chain the habit of doing flashcards in with my language learning. That should help me passively memorize stuff when I see it on my home screen. :)