Part of Omega-3 fatty acids

Inhibits nuclear factor kappa B which mediates cytokines

Increases levels of glutathione by regulating degradation of IB, which normally binds to NF-B.

Activates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR-y)

DHA in neurons! Bound to phospholipids. During tissue stress, DHA is released and oxidised into resolvins and protectins

  • Resolvins downregulate NF-B expression
  • Protectins regulate IL-1 mediated stimulation of cyclooxygenase (Bradbury 2011)

During neuronal activation

  • DHA released into cytosol
  • Small portion converted to neuroprotectin (Green2008)

DHA correlated with BDNF levels

Catalyzes tyrosine hydroxylase
