Huperzine A


50-200ug every 2-3 days, morning. Cycle necessary, can induce mania. May want to take with choline.
Effects build, can induce ACh headaches. May want to use every 2-3 days. Cycle 2-3 weeks on, 1-2 weeks off.
Can induce nausea, GI discomfort, Gulf War syndrome/CFS issues

If you notice headache, strange feelings, high BP, muscle tremors, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea… you’re in ACh overdose.


Acetylcholineserase inhibitor acting only at G4 isoform of acetylcholinesterase. Only raises ACh levels in areas of brain associated with memory, learning, mood.
24h half-life.

Sesquiterpene alkaloid derived from Huperzia Serrata, a species of firmoss native to India and Southeast Asia. Long history of use in TCM.
