Trauma is the root of psychopathology


Psychopathologies in general follow a (reductive) developmental process similar to the following:

  1. A traumatic event is experienced
  2. Gradual (or rapid) entrenchment of pathological thoughts/beliefs
  3. Rigidity and inflexibility to change of beliefs, possibly coupled with recursive or self-referential logic that can further entrench the belief
  4. Pathological beliefs are ascribed excessive precision (hierarchical predictive coding, Free energy principle)

Claimed by Carhart-Harris et al. (Carhart-Harris2019) to be consistent with the theory of mental suffering (Kessler2016) and Bayesian perspective on delusional belief formation in psychosis (Adams2018, Sterzer2018).

The creation of aberrant/pathological beliefs are self-protective, beginning from an attempt to mitigate averseness of felt uncertainty or ambiguity brought on by psychological injury/trauma.

  • Aberrant belief formation is consistent with uncertainty-resolving imperatives of the Free energy principle

Entrenched beliefs must be relaxed in some way before they can be revised

Based on my own thinking, but consistent with Carhart-Harris2019