Small-world propensity

Recently developed by Muldoon2016 and utilized by Luppi2021 on LSD.

quantifies the extent tha ta network displays small-world organization by taking into account deviation of the network’s empirically observed clustering coefficient and characteristic path length () from equivalent lattice and random networks

and quantify the fractional deviation of the empirically observed clustering coefficient & characteristic path length form the corresponding null models according to the definition of a small-world network

  • Lattice network for clustering coefficient
  • Random network for characteristic path length

Both measures of fractional deviation are bound between 0 and 1 to account for the possibility of empirical networks exceeding the corresponding null models.

  • if negative, set to 0
  • if exceeding unity, set to 1


Not intended to determine, in absolute terms, whether a network exhibits small-world structure

  • better suited to compare (on a continuous scale) the degree of small-world organisation exhibited by diff. networks

small-world organization
