Amanita Muscaria


5/12/23 ~1g (microdose)

Amanita arrives with a feeling of calm that extends over the body. It does seem to disrupt motor coordination a bit. I notice a small bit of fogginess that is not overly unpleasant. A warmth extends through the whole body, and a feeling of floatiness is felt in the head (and to a lesser extent, the limbs and body).

Significantly more energy is noticed. When I cycled to lab, I felt a strong motivation and excitement to push the limits of my body, to feel my heart race, to feel my muscles burn. I danced to KAYTRANADA and cycled as fast as I could. What a joy!

Added 1g
The feeling of psychedelia is rising. My limbs are no longer as connected to my body as they should be, and in a sense while writing this my hands appear farther away than normal. A nausea in my body and particularly my head has appeared, which feels almost like the onset of a migraine. I no longer feel as capable of integrating new information this is present as a feeling of disconnection from reality (wondering if the person I was tapping on was, in fact, Elin) and a persistent, low-grade confusion.

Color perception is slightly enhanced and things “pop” — especially 2D things like paintings. My anxiety is slightly higher, as is my propensity for laughter.
