fMRI preprocessing

Specificities of preprocessing steps tend to vary across software. See packages for details:

General steps

  1. Realignment estimate and correct subject motion effects
  2. Susceptibility distortion correction estimate & correct spatial distortions due to inhomogeneities in the magnetic field
  3. Slice timing correction correct for temporal distortions due to intrinsic sequential nature of scanning acquisition protocol
  4. Co-registration and normalization align functional and anatomical data across different subjects

Correction of noise sources and signal confounds has a considerable impact on neuroimaging results Khalili-Mahani2013

Noise sources are exacerbated under Psychedelics increase head motion during scanning and alter blood pressure, respiration, heart rate Griffiths201 Holze2021 Olbrich2021

global signal regression has been found to substantively alter psychedelic effects on resting-state measures Preller2020 Preller2018


FSL Tutorial
CONN Tutorial

Things to watch for

  1. gibbs ringing artifacts
  2. abnormal intensity differences in GM/WM indicative of pathology (here)