
Tags: health

NSF 43 & 52 certifications are good — these are stringent and over-the-top tests for most important chemicals including lead & VOCs

you should worry about heavy metals, VOCs, microplastics,

RO systems are quite wasteful and expensive but may be good to use in the future for drinking, cooking, & coffee — countertop systems run around $500

Types of contaminations

Disinfection byproducts (DBPs)

trithalomethanes are a major kind (incl. chloroform) that are carcinogenic

ZeroWater doesn’t remove any dbps

brita does

Heavy metals

lead, strontium, uranium, copper are all concerns

most filters do a good job at removing heavy metals, but given how poisonous lead is it’s good to get NSF certification


keep it, it’s good for your health. zerowater gets rid of all of it

Water parameters


not a measure of health. it’s a major of total dissolved solids incl. things like magnesium and calcium

important for coffee. zerowater removes all TDS. brita does an ok job. BWT replaces calcium with magnesium.


important for coffee

Alkalinity (CaCO3)

important for coffee

Water hardness

important for taste
