The brain has characteristics of criticality


Several signatures have been found in the human brain:

  • Scale-invariant power law distributions in neural avalanches observed in vitro Beggs2003
  • Clusters of activation during resting-state fMRI Tagliazucchi2012
  • Duration of interregional phase-locking (fMRI, MEG) Kitzbichler2009 Botcharova2014
  • Fractal structure in brain structure & function Expert2011
  • Small-world organization consistent with presence of long-range correlations Bassett2017

The brain during wakefulness exhibits dynamics consistent with criticality Toker2022

Evidence suggests the brain resides toward the sub-critical end of a ‘zone of criticality’ (Priesemann2014)

Brain criticality may be better thought of as a ‘zone’ rather than a ‘point’ (Moretti2013)

Brain dynamics shift towards sub-criticality with increasing cognitive load (Fagerholm2015).

Psychedelics are the only known example where both entropy and criticality are increased (Atasoy2017).

  • There is evidence to suggest that seizure is super-critical (Meisel2012)
  • Increase in goodness of fit of harmonic brain-state dynamics to power laws after LSD Atasoy2017

Ref: Girn2023, Carhart-Harris2018
Entropic brain hypothesis