Tags: 1-Year Crash Course in Computational Neuroscience fMRI Connectomics

Leading Eigenvector Dynamics Analysis

LEiDA is a framework to simulate possible metastable substates from fMRI data, based on Cabral2017. In summary, LEiDA characterizes the temporal evolution of dynamic functional connectivity (dFC, FCD) based on fMRI phase-coherence connectivity (with reduced dimensionality)

Type of dynamic functional connectivity




conda create --name pL python=3.9
conda activate pL
pip install pyleida

The toolbox was designed to take away as much pain as possible. Complete pipeline & exploration of results can be easily performed with only the LEiDA class.


  1. Create a folder with necessary files/data (see more on GitHub)
    • BOLD time series
    • Metadata
    • ROIs
    • Parcellations
  2. Run the analysis:
# Import the Leida class
from pyleida import Leida
# Instantiate the Leida class, specifying where our data is located
ld = Leida('data')
# Run the complete pipeline:
# Here, 'TR' specifies the Time Repetition of the fMRI data,
# 'paired_test' specifies whether the groups/conditions are
# independent or related, and 'n_perm' the number of permutations
# that will be used in the statistical analyses.
  1. Explore the methods of the Leida object to explore results, generate additional figures and contents
    • Examples are in the Github repo



  1. Perform BOLD Phase-locking analysis
    • The leading eigenvector is a low-dimensional representation of the BOLD phase-locking patterns over time.
  2. Extract leading eigenvector reduce dimensionality of (tensor) matrix from NxNxT to Nx1 vector which captures main orientation of BOLD phases over all areas, where each element in represents the projection fo the BOLD phase in each brain area into the leading eigenvector.
    • Direction of elements clusters (1 or 2)
    • Magnitude of each element ‘strength’ with which brain areas belong to the communities they’re in
  3. Identify recurrent phase-locking patterns using a clustering algorithm (e.g. k-means, hidden markov model)
    • divides pool of data points into predefined number of clusters .
    • Each cluster is represented by a central vector, which represents a recurrent BOLD phase-locking pattern (PL state)
    • 5-10 clusters should be used, covering range of functional networks commonly reported in resting-state fMRI literature (Yeo et al., 2011)
    • k-means clustering returns cluster centroids in shape of Nx1 vectors representing average vector of each cluster these correspond to PL states
    • clusters can be rendered onto cortical surface with HCP workbench
    • PL states can be represented back into matrix format (NxN) by computing outer product (matrix rank 1) with positive values between all elements with same sign in and negative values between elements of different signs
  4. Evaluate probability of occurrence and switching profiles of PL states
    • Assigned to each TR is a single PL state (select closest centroid at each TR)
    • Calculate probability with state time courses (number epochs assigned to given PL state divided by total number epochs in each scanning session)
    • Calculate difference in probabilities of occurrence before and after injection
      • Compare with a paired t-test (permutation-based?)
  5. Compare with resting-state networks
    • Transform RSNs (Yeo et al., 2011) into vectors with 90 elements each, where each element scales contribution of AAL brain area to corresponding RSN
    • Compute bivariate correlation with centroid vectors where all negative elements in are zero
  6. Evaluate global order and metastability
    • Degree of order between BOLD phases at each timepoint can be quantified with Kuramoto Order Parameter OP(t) (range 0-1)
    • Mean magnitude of OP describes incoherence, partial synchronicity, or full synchronicity (Deco and Kringelbach, 2016)
    • Standard deviation of OP degree of metastability in system (Cabral et al., 2014b)
