Support vector machine

Tags: Machine Learning Supervised learning Statistics Kernel methods


The objective of the SVM is to find a hyperplane that separates data points of one class from those of another. The best hyperplane is the one with the largest margin between the two classes.

Margin is the maximal width of the slab parallel to the hyperplane that has no interior datapoints.

Only linearly separable problems can be solved. Practically, the algorithm maximizes the soft margin, allowing a small number of misclassifications.

  • Formulated for binary classification problems
    • Multiclass problems are reduced to a series of binary ones
  • Good at classification and regression
  • Kernels make SVMs flexible & able to handle nonlinear problems
  • Features can be transformed using a kernel function.
Type of SVMMercer KernelDescription
Gaussian, Radial Basis FunctionOne class learning. is width of kernel.
LinearTwo class learning
Polynomial is the order of the polynomial
SigmoidOnly mercer kernel for certain and values

Training an SVM quadratic optimization problem

  • Fit hyperplane minimizing soft margin between classes
  • Number of transformed features is determined by number of support vectors
