Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is primarily characterized by hydrogen or methane-dominant producing infestation of bacteria in the upper GI tract.

Most approaches utilize a kill phase, though this treats a symptom, not the root cause.

  • Carnivore diet
  • Keto
  • Antibiotics such as xifaxan, rifaximin

Experts such as Dr. Mark Pimentel argue in favor of the use of antibiotics like rifaximin, but believe it is possible to cure SIBO solely by promoting gut motility. Methods for improving motility include:

  • Celery, artichoke, ginger
    • If you react poorly to fibers (e.g. bloating), you can take supplements for motility like Motilpro (Integrative Therapeutics) or Upper GI Relief (Silver Fern)
    • ‘Bad’ bacteria can feast on fibers
  • Colonizing upper GI tract with bacteria like L. reuteri

SIBO Yogurt
