Provides a statistical test of whether two or more population means are equal. Generalizes the t-test beyond two means.

Type of general linear model

Subtypes of ANOVA

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Violations and exceptions

  • Robust against violations of normality (Normality assumption) if sample is large enough (ex. N>=15)
  • Robust against violation of homogeneity (Homogeneity of variance assumption) where sample sizes are approximately equal
    • If differences in standard deviations become very large, this can no longer be taken for granted if largest standard deviation is greater than twice the smallest
    • If that’s the case, your options are:

Model Assumptions

  • Quantitative dependent variable
  • Independent groups
  • Normality assumption:
    • dependent variable normally distributed in each population
  • Homoegeneity of variance assumption:
    • variance of dependent variable is equal in each population

General Model Testing

  • Box plots
    • If histogram shows an outlier, check it (check it either way!)
    • Check for outliers with 1IQR and 3IQR criterion Interquartile Range
  • Z-scores
    • Check if any values are +/- 1.96 or 95% of probable sample statistics
    • 95% confidence interval: likely to find 5% of z-scores outside normal range
  • Checking outliers:


PSY4106 Advanced Statistics I