Psychedelic neuroimaging

TABLE year, drug, type, method, summary
FROM [[Psychedelic neuroimaging]]
WHERE contains(tags,"reference/literature")
SORT year


from Shinozuka2023


Psychedelics and BOLD activation
Psychedelics in resting-state networks

Entropy analyses

Psychedelic studies on criticality
Psychedelic studies using sample entropy
Psychedelic studies using Shannon entropy
Psychedelic studies using Lempel-Ziv complexity

Viol2019 characterizing complex networks using entropy-degree diagrams
Viol2017 Shannon entropy of brain functional complex networks under ayahuasca
Li2019 cortical dynamics during ketamine

fMRI research has so far failed to differentiate the action of psychedelics with respect to specific region or network-wise changes Girn2023

Imperial College London datasets and UZH had diametrically opposed effects ICL datasets significantly increase global FC in transmodal association regions incl. DMN and frontopartetal, UZH minimal changes to transmodal regions & instead increased global FC in somatomotor & visual Girn2023 (I wouldn’t call that diametrically opposed?)

  • failure of global FC to find consistent changes Girn2023

Several investigations have found increased FC between the thalamus and sensorimotor regions following psychedelic administration Girn2023 Muller2018, Preller2018, Tagliazucchi2016, Klaassens2015

  • Not specific to psychedelics, found across each of LSD, amphetamine, MDMA Avram2022
  • May be an artifact of averaging over heterogenous thalamic subdivisions Gaddis2022

Lord2019 network-independent, globally coherent phase-locking pattern substate increased in probability of occurrence (reanalysis of psilocybin data from Carhart-Harris2012)

first psychedelic fMRI studies examined glucose metabolism Gouzoulis-Mayfrank1999 Vollenweider1997a and blood flow Hermle1992 Riba2006

recent studies examined task-related effects Barrett2018 Carhart-Harris2012 Daumann2010 Kraehenmann2015 Mueller2017 Preller2016 Preller2017 Schmidt2018 Spitzer2001 or after psychedelic session Barrett2020

