Notes should serve as the medium for memorization

Tags: Notetaking

The main criticisms of the Zettelkasten method are that it promotes redundancy through the creation of hyper-personal wikis that are often underutilized or poor in quality in comparison to Wikipedia or online resources.

Instead, you should create Embedding notes for ideas that you need to memorize things like theorems, receptor densities, neuroanatomy, etc. You can do this in the same note as an atomic note (Notes should be atomic and disparate) by separating with ---.

By creating Embedding notes or flashcards within an atomic note, you can find yourself fighting the Ebbinghaus curve on two separate occasions — when you are reviewing flashcards (e.g., with Anki), and when you’re revising your atomic notes and communicating with your Zettelkasten.

Neuroanatomy is not something you need to make a Zettel from the relative location of the hippocampus is not an original idea of yours, or a particularly creative thing, it’s just a fact. It’s fine to store facts, but try and contribute your own ideas there too, rather than just copy and pasting information from Wikipedia, hoping that it will become useful later.


My university note-taking Artem Kirsanov