BOLD signal is similar to LFPs


Logothetis2001 showed with simultaneous measurement of intracortical activity and fMRI in nonhuman primates that local field potential is more closely related to the BOLD than multiunit activity (src: Nichols2016)

Logothetis2003 applied linear systems analysis to examine the relationship of the BOLD fMRI to different neuronal activity and found BOLD response reflects a local increase in neural activity assessed by the mean extracellular field potential (mEFP) signal (related to local field potential) (src: Nichols2016)

Rauch2008 simultaneously recorded BOLD and electrophysiological activity in primary Primary Visual Cortex (V1) of anesthetized monkeys while dissociating multiunit activity from LFPs by local injection of 5-HT1a agonist BP554. (src: Nichols2016)

  • Infusing BP554 significantly decreases MUA but not LFP or BOLD BOLD predicted well by LFP.

Viswanathan2007 used a dual microelectrode arrangement to make colocalized extracellular measurements of tissue oxygen and neuronal activity in the cortex. They report changes in tissue oxygen were more closely coupled with LFPs than neuronal spikes. (src: Nichols2016)
