News aggregation and RSS

Content comes at all times, in many forms, and doesn’t ever seem to stop. RSS sought to pull together disparate pieces of the internet and bring them all to you, but subscribing to news feeds like the New York Times or Axios will simply drown you.

Today, RSS is good for one thing — following individuals, whether that be on their socials, blogs, or wikis (this was the goal of fraidycat. For me, that means using a news aggregator like Google News (I prefer Ground News) to keep up-to-date on current events, and an RSS reader for everything else.

I spent a couple hours looking at RSS again today, but I feel disenchanted by it. None of these tools fits that well into my workflow, and I’d prefer a web-based tool so that I can easily add things to my read-it-later app (usually Readwise, trialing Matter).

Overall workflow:

  • Readwise Reader — blogs
  • Feeeed — firehose
  • Ground News — quick news
