Tags: Immunology

CNS Immune System

  • The main immune cells in the brain are microglia and astrocytes
    • Microglia have phagocytic functions
    • Infiltration of macrophages & activated T cells also possible

Routes of bi-directional communication

  • HPA axis activity leads to release of Cortisol, and recruitment of immune cells through CORT binding to GRs on immune cells.
  • Autonomic nervous system releases noradrenaline (norepinephrine), ACh, and adrenaline, all of which immune cells have receptors for
  • Brain releases neuropeptides CRH, substance P, and endorphins which can enter the blood stream. White blood cells have receptors for these which are related to regulation & fine-tuning of immune response.

Indirect humoral pathway

  • Cytokines released by white blood cells can enter brain or stimulate perivascular tissue which can produce cytokines or other anti-inflammatory agents themselves.

Direct neural pathway

Vagus nerve senses presence of cytokines by activated cells, propagating signal to nucleus tractus oslitarius which gives signal in the brain behavioral changes

Direct humoral pathway

Cytokines can cross the BBB or enter brain through active transport mechanisms, which can happen in cases of infection, injury, chronic inflammation (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis)