Oceanic Boundlessness

relates to functional alterations in an extended frontolimbic-parieto-striatal network including the amygdala (Vollenweider2001b)

Correlational analysis b/w normalized metabolic activity (CMRglu) and psychological scores of 5D-ASC showed severity of Oceanic Boundlessness correlated positively with CMRglu bilaterally in frontomedial cortex superior, frontolateral cortex, left inferolateral prefrontal cortex, ACC, bilaterally in inferior parietal cortex and medial occipital cortex (Vollenweider2001b)

Negative correlations between Oceanic Boundlessness and CMRglu bilaterally in Hippocampus and caudate nucleus, as well as left amygdala and ventral striatum.

Anxious ego dissolution

Severity of Anxious ego dissolution correlated with CMRglu in thalamus and left temporomedial cortex, negatively with CMRglu bilaterally in OFC and adjacent anterior cingulate cortex.

  • AED and associated thought disorder depends on thalamic overactivity and orbitofrontal underactivity.
  • May indicate enhanced thalamic transmission and support view that deficient thalamic gating leads to sensory overload of cortex & psychosis
  • (Vollenweider2001b)

Visual restructuralization

Severity of Visual restructuralization correlates positively with CMRglu in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and inferior temporal cortex, bilaterally in temporoparietal association cortex. (Vollenweider2001b)
