Tags: Pharmacology Policy

United States Drug Policy

  • The US has a long history of racism in its drug policy, but we can consider the start of modern American drug policy in 1971 with the Controlled Substances Act.
    • Signed by Richard Nixon
    • Created five schedules (or classifications) with varying qualifications for inclusion of a substance
      • Schedule I — no therapeutic potential & high abuse potential
        • includes ghb, heroin, MDMA, LSD, cannabis, etc.
      • Schedule II — currently accepted medical use but high potential for abuse
        • incl. amphetamine, cocaine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, methamphetamine
      • Schedule III — lower potential for abuse than I/II with currently accepted medical use
        • incl. Ketamine, steroids, bup
      • Schedule IV — low potential for abuse relative to III, currently accepted medical use, limited physical or psychological dependence
        • incl. benzodiazepines, tramadol, modafinil
      • Schedule V — low potential relative to IV, currently accepted medical use
        • incl. cough suppressants, pyrovalerone, cannabidiol
