

Anterior insula

proposed to be a key structure in supporting interoception Craig2002 Craig2003

  • “thalamocortical projections relay to the anterior insula cutaneous and visceral homeostatic information thought to represent the physiological condition of the entire body (Craig 2002, 2003).” Riba2006
  • “Recent research has shown bilateral insular and cingulate activation in tasks requiring interoceptive attention, with the right anterior insula specifically subserving explicit awareness of bodily processes (Critchley et al. 2004).” Riba2006
    • Proposed to be the basis for subjective feeling states and self-awareness Craig2002
  • “A recent magnetic resonance imaging study with experienced meditators found increased cortical thickness in the right anterior insula.” Riba2006 Lazar2005
  • Damasio2003 and Craig (2002, 2003) have postulated that access to representations of bodily states supported by the right anterior insula plays a key role in the generation of subjective feelings.” Riba2006
  • Activation of right anterior insula observed in studies of recall-generated emotions Damasio2000 Phan2002 Reiman1997