
Tags: dynamical system


A zone poised between complete order and disorder within a complex dynamical system at which certain signature properties are exhibited, such as a maximal repertoire of dynamic sub-states, fractal ‘self-similarity,’ or power-law scaling, and maximal sensitivity to perturbation (Bak1997).

Behavior exhibited when the ‘order parameter’ of the system undergoes a discontinuous phase transition as some other ambient property is modulated (Hesse2014)

Maximal sensitive to perturbation is a key feature of critical systems (Bak1997, Hesse2014, Tagliazucchi2016a)

Critical threshold between stability and chaos Girn2023

Complex systems tuned close to criticality exhibit computationally desirable properties

  • increased adaptability and flexibility to inputs Shew2009 Shew2013
  • increased encoding, storage, propagation of information ability Barnett2013

Signatures of criticality Cocchi2017:

  • Scale-invariance (power-law statistics)
      • parameters
      • events
      • critical exponent
  • Fractal/self-similar structure
  • Presence of long-range correlations
  • Strong sensitivity to external perturbations (‘critical slowing’)

Avalanche phenomena (Petermann2009)

Not always related to entropy, especially in the case of non-equilibrium systems. Given that some microstates are intrinsically more likely than others in the brain (e.g. more probable for a neuron to be active than quiescent (Beggs2012)), it may be the case that the brain is predisposed toward more ordered macrostates past the critical point (Shinozuka2023).

The brain has characteristics of criticality