The fig tree

chasing curiosity

About me

I’m Bobby, a computational neuroscientist currently on a gap year between my Master’s and my PhD. I’m currently working to publish my MSc thesis findings, and self-studying to pivot into computational neuroscience. I trained in neuroscience in my bachelor’s and psychopharmacology in my master’s, but never got much exposure to math/physics/CS. I’m rectifying that now. You can follow along with me here: Abridged Crash Course in Computational Neuroscience

This is a digital garden, not a complete (evergreen) blog. Everything and anything is subject to change. Rather than clicking sequentially through posts, I invite you to explore what immediately sparks curiosity.

I’ll update this soon with some entry points for perusing this vault. Note that any references to papers will give you a 404 — given that this vault isn’t available under a pseudonym, some of my thoughts (baseless criticisms to entertain myself) will remain private.

Places to start:


You can find me here: