what is the labor of love, but the foul wind turned palatable?
fermented and bubbly, funky and oozing
the smell of decay becomes umami,
how multi-cultural
it streaks over the surface of cognition,
of waking life
what is the labor of love,
but the flow of time turned stagnant
colored red and rosy in the reflection of binoclard being
what is the labor of love,
but limbo incarnate?
wherein the preachers and proselytizers beckon and reach out,
declaring judgement day has come
tremoring in fear and righteousness
what is the labor of love,
but that present the Bodhisattva philosophizes
that which frees in asymptotic rush
truly, truly it must be
i must think more on the matter
but time, time, time i do not have
for labor without love is labor extracted
compacted and distilled,
hollowed metal turned Capital,
its glory filled with heretics
painted targets of sacrifice and encrypted messaging
time, time, time to breathe
to bake bread
but slave master calls again
time, time, to paint,
to sing,
to re-enact Eleusinian mysteries
time to make dust the president of the student loans company