Robert Tromm

Visiting Researcher at Centre for Eudaimonia & Human Flourishing


I am primarily interested in the scientific study of the (altered states of) consciousness, complex systems & emergence, and artificial intelligence ā€“ the intersection between neuroscience and AI (NeuroAI) is of particular relevance.

Presently, Iā€™m on a gap year studying mathematics and computer science.

Key interests: consciousness science, psychedelics & altered states like meditation, whole-brain modeling, information theory, complexity & emergence, artificial intelligence


May 8, 2024 Moving to Paris to join the Neuronal Dynamics group at the Paris Brain Institute šŸ‡«šŸ‡·
Feb 2, 2024 Started the Polaris fellowship with Entrepreneur First. šŸ§¬
Jan 15, 2024 Finished my MSc and received an offer to pursue a PhD in Computing at Imperial College London under Dr. Pedro Mediano
Mar 7, 2023 Joined the Centre for Eudaimonia & Human Flourishing to study the effects of long-term use of psychedelics. šŸ’Š
Feb 13, 2023 Received the Usona Institute scholarship! šŸŽ‰